AgriVoltaics Industry Forum Europe

AgriVoltaics Industry Forum Europe 2024

05.11.24 - 06.11.24
Palacio Neptuno, Madrid

08:00 - 09:00
Registration & Welcome Coffee
09:00 - 10:00
Let's Talk About Finance and the Need for New Business Models!
10:05 - 11:00


PV in its Many Forms: Eco PV, Wetland PV, Floating PV, Greenhouse PV

10:05 - 11:00


Alice Lefort, BayWa r.e
Juan Reca Cardeña, University of Almería
Eduardo Echavarria Diaz-Guardamino, GRUPO TALSA
Andres Franco, ISIGENERE
Monika Hohlbein, University of Greifswald


Lina Dubina
SolarPower Europe
Let's Put a Label on it?
11:00 - 11:30
Snack & Chat
11:30 - 13:00
Accelerating Investments in Agrivoltaics
13:00 - 13:45
Network Lunch
13:45 - 15:00
Future Farms as Energy-Hubs & Down to Earth and the Road not Taken Yet
15:15 - 18:30
Energy Experience 1: Iberdrola Winesolar
Please note:

This is a preliminary program and is subject to change.

Status as of October 11, 2024

Some of our speakers:

A highly advanced regulatory system is crucial to pursue the deployment of Agri-PV, which is probably the most important example of the great attitude in innovation shown by solar technology to successfully meet the energy, environmental and food challenges of the energy transition.

Celeste Mellone, Green Horse Legal Advisory

Integrating robotics into agrivoltaics isn't just about efficiency—it transforms how we manage energy and agriculture. With automation, we can improve land usage, food production and solar energy outputs towards a future of sustainable farming.

Cláudia Fernandes, EDP

Agri-PV is much more than growing crops under the panels. It involves highly complex business relationships among extremely diverse sectors. Projects’ success will depend on the ability to create space for trust-based dialogue. It is not a PV vs. Agriculture zero-sum game. It can be a win-win.

Costanza Rizzo, Statkraft

Scalability will make the success of Agri-PV. The substructure is an integral part of agri-PV systems. Striking the right balance between “customisation” and “standardisation” will be key. In this regard we need to learn to what extent the individual requirements of the crops and needs for system standardisation contradict each other.

Christof Thannbichler, ZIMMERMANN PV-Steel Group

Agri-PV merges regenerative agriculture with clean energy production. By using land for both food and energy, we reduce resource competition, increase farm resilience, and promote a greener future. Scaling Agri-PV can turn farmland into dual-use spaces for efficient food and energy generation. It’s time to harness this synergy and take it to the next level.

Fabian Neu, RWE

Agrivoltaics is not just “one thing”, but rather an infinite dynamic set of combinations of {Climates, Crops, PV Configurations, Compatibilities, and Collaborations}. C×C×C×C×C = ∞

James Macdonald, Laborelec

Agrivoltaics is today a leader in new types of electricity production from solar sources. In the CZ, we took a different approach than other countries and started building agrivoltaics based on agricultural legislation. I believe that soon it will be possible to permit real agrovoltaic projects in the CZ and that we will also inspire neighbouring countries with this approach.

Jiří Bím, Czech Solar Association

Looking forward to participating in the ‘What Difference Hardware Makes’ session at the AgriVoltaics Industry Forum Europe in Madrid. I will be presenting how using advanced technology can maximize the benefits of dual-use of land for energy and food production, and support the growth of Agrivoltaics through granular data collection.

Noam Schwartz, SolarEdge